Rainbow Cake, Hummingbird Bakery

I can't believe I'm 17!
In today’s (short) post I wanted to share a new discovery of my mine the delicious Rainbow Cake from the Hummingbird Bakery. It was my 17th birthday a few weeks ago and of course there had to be cake :) This year I was well and truly spoilt rotten by my lovely friends and family. The highlight of the day was receiving this giant yummy cake from my favourite bakery. A lovely treat courtesy of my mum – thanks mum!

For those of you that don't know the Hummingbird Bakery is a unique American style bakery in London, which offers a range of American style cupcakes, brownies, pies and cakes.

The bakery only opened in 2004 and is celebrating its 10th UK anniversary this year. Unfortunately, they only have branches in the London area at the moment. I wish they would open a branch closer to where I live (sigh)...wait perhaps on second thoughts that’s for the best otherwise I would probably end up a couple of dress sizes larger!!

The Rainbow Cake is the yummiest cake I have tried from the Hummingbird Bakery soo far…

It had a bubblegum flavour in both the frosting and sponge!
There was plenty to go around - we even managed  a second helping in the day! 
I also received a copy of the Humingbird Bakery Cake Days recipe book and will be attempting to recreate some of the hummingbird magic at home soon, particularly the gingerbread cupcakes, which look amazing for Christmas - I will let you know how I get on!

Hope you enjoyed today's post :)

See you next time for more of my ramblings! 
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  1. I've never managed to get to The Hummingbird Bakery (much to my disgust) but I've baked some of their things at home and they always come out perfect. For baking books, I can't recommend Lily Vanilli's enough! This cake looks amazing, I love bubblegum flavouring.

    Sammy xo.


    1. You should really give it a try - you'll be impressed! It's a shame that they only have shops in London. Which ones have you baked at home? When ever I attempt to bake from the Hummingbird Bakery book they never turn out as good ahaha! Ooo I'll have to have a look at that book - thanks for the recommendation :) xx
