White Chocolate and Raspberry Tart Recipe

I was watching the Great British Bake Off the other day and every time without fail no matter how full I am that show always gives me the sudden urge to rush to the kitchen, grab my “I’ll diet tommrow…” apron and whip up some scrummy sweet treats! Today I will be sharing my latest attempt at home baking with you. I’m certainly no Nigella that’s for sure, but I love to bake, and I reckon I’m alright at it (…well as far as my food technology GCSE stretches!).  

In today’s post I will be sharing my utter most favourite sweet treat – White Chocolate and Raspberry Tart (ooo - just saying it is making my mouth water). I hate sickly sweet cakes… however, with the power of trial and error I have finally found the perfect amount of each ingredient without it being too sweet, but still satisfying my sweet tooth.

This recipe is incredibly simple to make and truly amazing! Hope you like it as much as I do :) So without further ado - let’s bake!!!

For the Shortcrust Pastry:
180g Plain Flour
110g Butter
45ml (2-3 tbsp) Cold Water
For the filling:
150g White Chocolate
250ml Double Cream
For the topping:
150g Raspberries

Step One: Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and line the flan dish that you will be baking it in.

Step Two: To make the pastry, put the flour in a large bowl and add the butter. Just a little warning this bit could get a little messy, especially if you are a clutz (like me) Using your fingertips, rub the butter into the flour until there are no large lumps of butter remaining and it resembles breadcrumbs.     
Step Three: Now in order to bind the dough, stir in just enough of the water you may not need the full 45ml

Step Four: On a lightly floured surface knead the dough for a few seconds until it is smooth. Then, roll out the pastry, make a bigger enough circle to fit in your 23cm flan dish! If you use your rolling pin to lift the pastry over your dish it will prevent from those dreaded tears in the pastry! Make sure you leave enough of the pastry to overhang the edges of the dish slightly.

Step Five: You will need to blind bake the pastry so before you put it in the oven make sure you line your dish with baking parchment and fill with baking beans so the pastry doesn't rise in the oven – baking beans can be fairly pricey so instead you could use any dry rice you have lying around to prevent the pastry rising!

Step Six: After all that hard work put your feet up while the pastry blind bakes for 15 minutes! or if you are good you can start on the washing up…

Step Seven: After 15 minutes take it out the oven (using oven gloves!!) Remove the baking beans (or whatever you used) – be careful they will be VERY hot now and bake for 10 minutes more. Then, leave it to completely cool.

Step Eight: While the pastry is cooling you can start on the scrumptious filling…I like to melt my chocolate in the microwave as I feel it’s the easiest way, but you can use a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water if you feel more comfortable doing it that way. Start by breaking your white chocolate in a microwaveable bowl, then pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds and mix, repeat this step until the chocolate had melted completely - you have to be super careful if you are melting it in the microwave, white chocolate burns very easily!

Step Nine: This is the part where you’ll wish you had three hands! Pour a little bit of the double cream at a time into the chocolate and mix thoroughly – you have to work quickly here as you don’t want the chocolate to harden!

Step Ten: Pour your scrumptious filling into your cool pastry case! This is only part of the whole process I hate…waiting for the tart to set in the fridge, I always end up checking whether it’s set every 5 minutes!!

Step Eleven: Once it has completely set and when you lift it the filling doesn't move then you can move onto the raspberries...if you have the patience you can design a pretty pattern with the raspberries on top, but I like to just scatter them all over the filling! You can also dust it with some icing sugar if you have any lying around!

Step Twelve: Enjoy!...
I hope you enjoyed today's post :) Comment down below if you have any suggestions for future baking projects! You can email me pictures of your creations on ramblingsofadevotedteadrinker@gmail.com 

See you next time for more of my ramblings!
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  1. Omg how cute! I absolutely love tarts and pizza, and this tart looks like a pepperoni pizza! Love your blog, keep in touch! :)


    1. haha now you mention it does look a bit like a pizza! Thanks for visiting my blog :D x
